Protect Your Kids Against Spring Allergies

Springtime is the season of growth and renewal, but it can be a time of misery for kids prone to allergies. The budding plants and blooming flowers bring a host of allergens, which can trigger sneezing, itching, and congestion in susceptible children. As a parent, it’s essential to know how to recognize the symptoms of allergies in your child and what you can do to help ease their discomfort.

What Causes Springtime Allergies?

Spring allergies are typically caused by tree pollen, grass pollen, and mold spores. As the weather heats up and the days get longer, these allergens become more prevalent in the air, making it easier for children to inhale them. When these allergens enter a child’s nose, eyes, or throat, their immune system reacts by releasing histamines, which cause the symptoms of allergies.

How to Identify Springtime Allergies in Kids?

Although allergy symptoms can vary for each child, they typically include the following:

  • Sneezing
  • Runny or stuffy nose
  • Itchy or watery eyes
  • Scratchy throat
  • Headaches
  • Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath

If you notice your child experiencing any of these symptoms, particularly if they recur at the same time every year, they’re likely suffering from seasonal allergies. However, several treatment options are available that make living with allergies more manageable.

What Are the Treatment Options for Allergies?

If your child is experiencing allergies, there are several things you can do to ease their discomfort:

  • Keep doors and windows closed to prevent allergens from entering the home.
  • Use air purifiers and dehumidifiers to reduce allergens in the air.
  • Wash bedding and stuffed animals frequently in hot water to kill hidden allergens.
  • Encourage your child to wash their hands and face regularly.

When your child’s allergies are not improving, contact your pediatrician. They may recommend an over-the-counter medication or other alternative to alleviate the symptoms.


Springtime allergies can be challenging to manage, but you can help your child find relief with the proper knowledge and tools. By understanding what seasonal allergens to look out for, how to identify the symptoms in kids, and what treatment options are available, you can be better equipped to help your child through the dreaded allergy season.

Contact us today if you believe your child suffers from seasonal allergies and needs a local pediatrician!